2023 has started, but not as we have hoped. With a failing health service and staggering waiting lists on the NHS, it is clear that we are in for some challenging times.
The economic climate and other public service stresses have taken their toll. If you pick up a newspaper or turn on the news channels, you are bombarded by doom and gloom, and what seems to be hitting the hardest right now is the state of the NHS. So we were delighted to be quoted in this week's Telegraph on what to look out for if you consider taking out Private Medical Insurance. Those working in the NHS are doing their best possible job; however, the institution is so large that it has become hugely pressurised.
There are a few extra nuggets we would have liked to have shared, such as managing the cost of the cover and explaining the difference between a no-claims discount and a mutual insurer vs a commercial company. Also, what options are available on a Health Insurance Plan, such as typical coverage offering add-on benefits.
Typically cover would include benefits such as:
Core Cover:
Full outpatient cover or reduced outpatient cover with complete outpatient Diagnostic testing
Full inpatient cover
Full Cancer Cover
Add Ons:
Mental Health Cover
Optical, Dental and Audiological cover
Excess levels (typically £100 or £250 per person per year)
International cover
Hospital choices (Countrywide, London or Local)
EAP - Employee Assistance Programmes (legal advice, extra mental health and talking therapy benefits, HR advice etc.)
Going private is challenging; one must consider many aspects before taking out private medical insurance. In addition, it can be a minefield for clients who have yet to get cover. That's why it is so important to have the right advice, and the best place you can get that advice is through a trusted broker.
Check out the article in the Telegraph here: TELEGRAPH ARTICLE
Happy New Year to you all! May it be a successful and HEALTHY one!